Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Adjusting the Collar Widths on the Dye Course

Sodded Collar after being mowed at .400"

During the early summer aerification, one of the projects that we’ve already discussed was the replacement of the greens collars that had been encroached by the zoysia grass in the roughs that surround them.  It is now time for phase two of that project.  As the collars are now established and have rooted in very nicely, we have begun mowing them at a height of .400” and they are smoothing out and getting better as we continue to lightly topdress them on a weekly basis.  This week, we will also begin the process of getting the collar width back to a consistent  32” continuous pass around all of the greens.  Some of the green/collar areas that the zoysia had encroached into were farther than the 32” and required that some of the green surface be sodded as well.  We now feel that with the sod having a strong root base, we can begin the process of marking our 32’ width and begin scalping these areas down to greens height.  These areas will appear brown for the next couple of weeks until the turf is trained down to its new height, but they will green up as we continue to topdress and fertilize.  Below are a few pictures from the process’ we use.
Marking the 32" collar width

Scalping the sod down to greens height

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